That’s why prophetic ministers must pay attention to every single emotional feeling they get instead of trying to kill it. But don’t let fear of enduring the growing process stop you from moving forward. Educate yourself on the gift of prophecy. God is raising prophets from all angles of the world to prepare the second coming of Jesus Christ. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. In addition, it creates in you the desire to learn how to prophesy accurately too. Jon Bloom serves as teacher and co-founder of Desiring God. Mistakes will happen, which is why prophecy must be evaluated. God calls all Christians, including prophetically gifted ones, to submit to duly appointed local church leaders (Hebrews 13:17; 1 Corinthians 14:37–38). .” and we allow others to test it for themselves (1 Thessalonians 5:19–21; 1 Corinthians 14:29). God loves us so much and wants to regularly interacts with us. That, of course, was an unparalleled sermon, but it demonstrates an instance. It is left for us to pray and ask God to help us to better interpret and pass the message as He wants. Still from the Bible we are made to know in Acts 11:28 that one of the prophets after the death of John the Baptist who was named Agabus did speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit about the way Apostle Paul will be captured and killed for the gospel’s sake. Again, don’t assume a prophetic word or impression must be shared. What this looks like depends on the preference of your leaders. Pronunciation of prophesy with 1 audio pronunciation, 17 synonyms, 2 meanings, 14 translations, 3 sentences and more for prophesy. By writing, we mean everything written down on physical materials as well as in our hearts. Hence, no matter how desperate you might be in learning how to prophesy accurately, always remain tight to Jesus Christ and He’ll see you through. But the problem is that many people turn to be afraid of making mistakes, afraid of deception or being influenced by the devil and his agents. This also applies to the prophetic ministry, keep your mind alert and a single word or inspired thought can get you going. That’s right, I said EVERY Christian. In order to prophesy we must first learn ourselves. It’s not a huge risk to check in with that person later. An individual asks for prophesy 2. This is a prerequisite for any believer who desires to learn how to prophesy accurately. My question is, I was googling to get a book on bible made easy. If He speaks a word in our lives, we can be sure of having everything changed. Keep your eyes open. Although not all of us are called to operate in the prophetic office, we have been given the ability to prophesy thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. To "preach" means to proclaim, announce, cry, or tell. In fact, you may recognize you’ve already experienced this gift, even if you didn’t know what it was. Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as… And I emphasize: the more serious the impression, the more prayer and counsel and evaluation it requires before sharing it with the people involved. In this same light of thinking, we are made to know clearly in Ephesians 4:1-11 that Jesus Christ upon giving his life for mankind did share gifts to the whole human race among which we can find the prophetic gift. Make sure that you receive the message in full before stepping out as this will give you a direction on what to do. Just as Apostle Paul instructs, we are to speak forth words of comfort, edification, and encouragement in order to help our brothers and sisters in the Christian race. First, ask the Spirit to teach you about prophecy. Far more detailed exegetical explanations have been made in the resources I’ve listed above, as well as in Wayne Grudem’s extensive book on New Testament prophecy and D.A. What Does The Bible Say About Husbands Being Spiritual Leaders? Prophecy at its most basic definition is “a message from God.” So, to prophesy is to proclaim a message from God. A lot of people get it wrong on defining prophecy or the act of prophesying. When we read from Isaiah 21:3-4, we realize that God speaks to us through our spirits. Paul does refer to the gathered church in 1 Corinthians 14. Bible Verses About Husband Being Spiritual Leader. With this in mind, we see how important it is to take measures on proclaiming God’s message accurately as possible. Words out of this context won’t be better than dead words. Just as we can read from 1 Corinthians 14:1, the process of learning how to prophesy accurately starts with the degree of love you have for the prophetic. Then came along amongst the discussion of such books an ad asking me to furnish my details so as to get a prophecy. Thus, if you are serious about how to prophesy accurately, start stirring up that gift as from today. God guides the thoughts of His prophets in order to convey His message and make His perfect will done. When you request an accurate prophecy from God, believe that He can give more than what you are requesting from Him. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. In the context of churches that are not used to the prophetic gift operating in a corporate setting, or for some reason are too large or programmatically constrained, small groups can be a place to encourage the use and maturing of this gift. The word proportion refers to a ratio. Prophecy is the noun, and prophesy is the verb. By regularly creating contact and communication moments with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are able to clearly discern His voice from the other voices that bombard our minds from every angle and hour of the day. Type “prophecy” into Desiring God’s search window, and you’ll find a list of helpful resources. I followed this wise counsel. Note that they were speaking … Integrity is important at all stages of learning to prophesy over someone. What we need to remember is that damaging false prophecies foolishly delivered without prior evaluation by wise, pastoral counsel have occurred throughout church history. Not all prophetic words or impressions are meant to be shared. We can backup this idea by reading from Acts 10:10. In addition, God had sent many angels to dictate His message to the prophets on several occasions. Remember that those who are using satanic powers are on the way to their own graves and their fruits can never last talk les of standing the test of time. The words preach and prophesy come from two entirely different Greek words. And in the case of prophecies, we also submit to the evaluation of our brothers and sisters in our local church (1 Corinthians 14:29–33). If your pastor-elders prefer to call this phenomena by a different name due to sincere doctrinal conviction, submit to them by using their terminology. While many people are kept stagnant in the prophetic due to fear of making mistakes, others are bandaged in their past mistakes and won’t dare to make a single step ahead. His book The Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Gifts provides a helpful introduction to prophecy and other gifts. If you have ever asked for an online prophecy or a physical prophetic word which turned out to be 100% accurate that you really wanted to know how to prophesy … It is given. We do not prophesy haphazardly or for fun. If you were able to use your faith to obtain salvation from God, you can also use this very faith to activate the gift of prophecy. How to prophesy accurately: key ways to receive and release accurate prophetic words from the holy spirit. Inviting comment on your word takes courage but is well worthwhile. Peter preached and thousands were “cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37). By keeping aside time to be alone with God will also allow you to better interpret his messages and know what to do whenever you receive any. Group members can pray for each other. In addition, the spirit of prophesy is out to set the hearts of the captives free and to restore man’s place before God through Jesus Christ our lord and savior. Desire to prophesy Once we know that we can prophesy, we must actively desire to do so: Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. If you make a mistake in the prophetic, do not slow back in cleaning up the mess and moving ahead. First, most of the churches Paul was writing to were much smaller groups than many of our churches today. prophesy. In God’s church, the spirit of prophesy is a life bringing one. When we have learned something, we are able to prophesy. Making a mistake or wrongly interpreting what we see or hear in the prophetic realm does not make you a false prophet. Just as in the past, God is still communicating with us through dreams. All through the history of mankind and his relationship with God, angels have proven to be of primary importance. But the edifying, encouraging, and consoling benefits I’ve received and seen others receive have been so profound that I can say this gift is worth the messiness it can sometimes cause. A small group of people who are earnestly desiring this gift together is an ideal place to nurture it. What Does The Bible Say About Forgiving A Cheating Spouse? Since the hearers should learn what the speaker says, the speaker also must learn a great deal. Whatever the case, we won’t have to look too far since the Bible gives us elements of answers concerning this issue. This is sufficient to make us believe that God is still saying something through His prophets and that He is calling on us to give Him a listening ear. If the gift is available, tell him that in obedience to 1 Corinthians 14:1, you earnestly want it. He is still the same today. Just a single word can get you going into the prophetic. (1 Corinthians 14:3 AMP) “But [on the other hand] the one who prophesies speaks to people for edification [to promote their spiritual growth] and [speaks words of] encouragement [to uphold and advise them concerning the matters of God] and [speaks words of] consolation [to compassionately comfort them].” Desiring the prophetic gives you a point of focus thereby creating a high degree of determination to succeed within you. If we ask for prophecy and grow in our understanding of it, it is likely that the Spirit will begin to give us promptings. In both cases, a prophecy was evaluated by a leader and by the gathered church present. That is the nature of prophesy, bringing a short love letter from God about one main thought He is wanting to say. If we are to earnestly desire there has to be some excitement and joy in seeking the gift of prophecy. The word prophesy can mean to predict or reveal something that will happen in the future. 3 : to make a prediction. Now, if you sense God has laid a text on your heart for a friend, your pastors will not object to your encouraging someone else with the Scriptures. Many would have been the size of large “small groups” to us. Nevertheless, they must also seek to discern and make sure that it comes from God. Believing in Jesus Christ has to do with welcoming Him as the savior of the world, as the one and only truth, as the one and only way that leads to God the father creator of heaven and Earth. Three times he urges the church to prophesy, using the strong term "earnestly desire". When you hear a prophetic word from God, you need to share what you got. And every believer prophesies according to the degree of faith that they have. If so, these people were allowed to address the congregation from a microphone in one of the aisles. Don’t be afraid to step out and listen from the Holy Spirit. John Piper tells the story of when he and his wife, Noël, were expecting their fourth child, and a woman shared with John a very dire “prophecy”: Noël would die in childbirth, and the baby would be a girl. But once everything has been cleaned up, the whole place is full of joy and happiness due to the baby. He can speak to us through ways that have never been heard since the creation of the world. What Does The Bible Say About A Father Denying His Child? The whole truth is that all these factors will prevent you from properly operating in the prophetic realms. Believing in Jesus Christ is easily said than done. Here are some things you can expect to learn: How to prophesy, why prophecy is for now, things to do and not to do when you prophesy, when and how to give a prophetic word, what Prophets do in the secret place, how to make a prophetic word manifest in the natural, how to deliver corporate words, and more! And I would say the less common way Christians experience prophecy is through receiving revelatory dreams, visions, and what are often called “prophetic words.” This is why Paul could encourage everyone in a local church to earnestly desire to prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1). Just as Apostle Peter said that a prophet is master of the spirit within him, you can’t wait to have your mouth overridden by the Holy spirit. How to prophesy accurately: 20 key ways to receive and release an accurate prophetic word from the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 14:39) Yes. Apart from sending us inspired words, God can also manifest himself within us through our emotions. (1 Corinthians 14:1) Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues. Let the sovereign Spirit distribute the gifts as he will, and be content with what you receive. However its fulfilment will only take place as we partner with Him—as we pray, listen and obey. The more you demonstrate consistent accuracy and upbuilding of others to your pastoral leaders, the more they will trust your judgment. If you don’t believe in the prophetic, it won’t work for you. Prophesying is following God's simple steps and then summarizing those steps. Question: "What is the spiritual gift of prophecy?" But it occurs more frequently in less specific, but personally profound, ways as well. Remember that the way Paul describes the New Testament spiritual gift of prophecy is not canon-level revelation delivered infallibly and authoritatively like the Scriptures. That’s why the psalmist wrote that we are to open our mouths and allow God to fill it with words (Psalms 81:10). The spirit of prophecy is out to pour light within darkness and turn the hearts of the wicked and those that dwell in evil back to God (1 Corinthians 14:24-25). A bad tree cannot bear fruits so you should not expect anything good from Satan or any of his agents. But the Bible also tells us that unbelief quenches the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19–20), and that the Spirit responds in proportion to our faith, specifically regarding prophecy (Romans 12:6). Answer: The spiritual gift of prophecy is listed among the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:10 and Romans 12:6. Other times Christians are brought to deep conviction of sin or encouragement under someone’s preaching. When it persisted, I submitted it to wise pastoral counsel and was confirmed that I should not share it but that I was likely being given this impression for the purpose of prayer. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. If I had the time and space, I’d tell you stories: And there are more stories I could share. You have never seen Jesus Christ but you believe in Him. However, we also could list examples of the scary uses of other spiritual gifts, such as teaching or healing, yet we would not say that we should therefore avoid teaching people or praying for their healing. God who judges men from their hearts will bless you. ASSIGNMENT: FIND SOMETHING MEANINGFUL ABOUT CHRISTMAS THAT IS QUICKENED TO YOU . This is so thanks to the faith which is a supernatural gift from God to those who love Him. Answer: To prophesy is simply to speak prophecy. Prophecy uniquely edifies, encourages, and consoles the saints of God, which is why Paul recommended that we especially desire this gift. “How to Prophesy” is a must read for the end time church. Jesus Christ did prophesy on several occasions, His disciples did the same and we can also do the same today. We can respectively backup these ideas by reading from Isaiah 1:1 and Luke 9: 28-36. And, if at all possible, that sort of impression should be passed by a pastor or wise, mature counselor for evaluation before sharing with the individual concerned. We can be sure of finding God’s face if we step out in faith and strive to obey his commandments. We can have an example of such by reading from Exodus 34:27. These resources are a good place to begin to press into understanding the nature and use of the gift of prophecy. You won’t get an accurate prophetic message if you are not focused. So the first step in earnestly desiring the gift of prophecy is to seek to increase our faith for it. Or the time God gave me a prophetic word from a friend, and gave my soon-to-be wife a prophetic vision, which helped prepare us for a dark, trying season in our lives. Prophesy is a verb. We all repetitively practice the gifts we receive from the Spirit in order to grow in our effective use of them. It is for this reason that prophet Samuel said that the message was God’s but the prophets choose the wordings. First of all, every Christian should prophesy. And an atmosphere of trust can be cultivated where it’s safe and encouraged to share what you think might be something from the Spirit — and to make mistakes. Or the time a missionary friend in Kazakhstan emailed me a prophetic word he sensed God had for me, which arrived at the precise time I needed it to confirm a difficult decision I was weighing — of which my friend had no knowledge. Past conference sessions are available to watch or listen to, free of charge. It is only through good habits that our bodies are made dwelling places for the Holy spirit. And He can still do it today in greater dimensions. Accept your mistakes, learn from them, and step ahead for there are better moments and experiences ahead of those who are courageous enough to persist. We’re on a mission to change that. Beginning to practice this gift is where the rubber meets the road — and where we encounter our fears. Ananias’s vision (Acts 9:10–16), Agabus’s foretelling (Acts 11:27–30; 21:10–11), Paul’s and Barnabas’s missionary call (Acts 13:2–3), the Ephesian disciples’ spontaneous utterances, Paul’s vision of the Macedonian man (Acts 16:9), the Spirit’s testifying to Paul in every city what awaited him in Jerusalem (Acts 20:22–23), and the personal prophecies Timothy received (1 Timothy 1:18; 4:14) would not fit into the “anointed expository preaching” category. Hence, we must filter all thoughts that come in our minds in order to keep them holy and make them dwelling places for God’s spirit. Wider Christian Community. We are the body of Christ. Prophesy The word "prophesy" is a verb . Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 2:16 that we as Christians have the mind of Christ. The end result of the prophecy is to bring honor and glory to God’s Holy Name while bringing men and women closer to his presence through Jesus Christ. And we can do this through prayer, preparation, and practice. The point is this: make sure to test specific information first — and this is all the more true the less experienced you are in using this gift. At any moment, God can quicken a sentence, word, thought, or picture into our minds. It’s better to leave a word or picture with the recipient, so they can pray over it for themselves than to make something up out of the fear of looking foolish! According to 1 Corinthians 14:29–33, pastor-elders test prophecies, as well as the gathered church. The New Testament does not have a category of loose cannon, unaccountable prophets wandering around delivering messages. The move of the Holy Spirit through the prophetic allows us to hear God’s heart for His children as we swiftly hurtle toward that day of His Son’s return. And ask repeatedly, persistently, even impudently (Luke 11:8). While only a few are chosen and called prophets to operate in the prophetic ministry as God’s special messengers (Ephesians 4:11), every believer or mature Christian can prophesy according to Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 14:1.                                          Â. There are different ways to prophesy accurately which have been tested and proven right. But he may not be pleased to give you this gift because he’s pleased to give you another gift that is likewise indispensable to the body (1 Corinthians 12:14–31). What Does The Bible Say About Fathers Being Absent? And once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, it will be very easy to regularly receive inspired messages from God about ourselves, others, and even nations. While there are so many false religions out there with black satanic powers to see into the future and disclose the hidden, we must keep tight to Jesus Christ as the one and only person that can freely offer us the true ability to prophesy accurately. In Jesus Christ, we are a new creation. Have you ever assisted and seen how messy the coming of a baby in the world looks like? "That all may learn" refers to the hearers. I don’t think that’s our message. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17) He described this phenomenon as an expression of Joel’s prophecy, that “your sons and daughters will prophesy”. Whatever the case, we must always fully rely on the Holy Spirit to use us while allowing everything to be done according to the will of the father and not ours. . What Does The Bible Say About Adultery And Fornication? This can be anything! If you have ever asked for an online prophecy or a physical prophetic word which turned out to be 100% accurate that you really wanted to know how to prophesy accurately, then you are at the right place. All too often there is a tendency in our churches to criticize one who stumbles in some way while prophesying. He can perfectly speak to you through someone else. We must always remember that fear is Satan’s tool to distract us from inheriting our heavenly blessings in the prophetic. Reading the Bible on a daily basis is one of the best ways to hear what God is saying. Apart from asking, we can as well seek and knock in order to show Him how determined we are and the value we give to the prophetic. Putting on the priestly garment here is simply a call for us to value the things of God as well as spend high quality time in his presence. And we all know that as Christians, we have a mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the ends of the world. Most of us claim to be believers yet there are no believer’s fruits in our lives. Carson’s Showing the Spirit. But what often happens during a preaching moment is an unusually powerful application of a biblical text. 2 : to predict with assurance or on the basis of mystic knowledge. Everyone grows in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus (2 Peter 3:18). I’ve received this gift for others a handful of times in my life, but it’s been rare. Furthermore, God had and is still transmitting His message through visions to the prophets when they are in a state of trance. It is rather out to encourage them with love to see the light that comes from Jesus Christ the giver of eternal life. So if you wake up in the middle of the night with a prophetic sense that someone is in trouble and you should pray, then pray! That is why our heavenly father spoke through His prophet in Jeremiah 33:3 that we should call on Him in times of joy and sorrow for Him to show us wonderful things which we have never heard or seen before. Yes. He did use a donkey to speak to and warn his prophet just as he was able to speak to Moses through the burning bush. transitive verb. But if you think the Spirit may have given you specific revelatory information regarding someone else, you should seek the blessing of your pastor-elders before sharing it. You are responsible for speaking out what the Holy Spirit is revealing in your mind. That’s why it is written in 2 Timothy 3:16 that all scripture is inspired by God. 1 : to speak as if divinely inspired. Regularly finding time to be alone with God will allow you to be able to distinguish His voice from other voices. And once you are focused, you’ll be able to overcome all the challenges and obstacles that Satan will bring on your way. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:19–21). People who sensed they had a word came up to a pastor designated to evaluate public contributions, shared it with him, and the pastor discerned if it should be shared or not. I then googled again to get better understanding of prophesy. He’s the great teacher of the saints who Jesus promises will “guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13). But after observing Jesus’s school of disciples, Paul’s missionary strategies, and reading Ephesians 4:11–12, which tells that apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers “equip the saints for the work of ministry,” it should be more than clear to us that no one who receives a spiritual gift receives it in its fully mature form. The child was born a boy, and mother and baby came through just fine. How to say to prophesy in English? Seek to intentionally increase your faith through prayer, preparation, and practice. Paul tells us to exercise the gift of prophecy in proportion to our faith (Romans 12:6). For sure if we ask, seek, and knock, our heavenly Father will certainly see us through. If you are not seeking your own glory either praise but that of God, then your intentions are clear. Have you ever wondered how do prophets hear from God? And fourth, as I mentioned in the answer to the first question above, numerous New Testament prophetic messages were delivered in contexts outside of what we might call a church worship service. What Does The Bible Say About A Man Committing Adultery? Ask God to show you what He has done for the recipient. It is one important way God expresses his love for his children. We all know that an engine won’t function without fuel the same as you won’t prophesy without stirring up the gift within you. The Body of Christ more than ever needs the prophetic to encourage and edify its members in the face of challenging times to come. Jesus Christ made it very clear to us that we cannot ask for the prophetic gift from God and He gives us something else. However, as the New Testament illustrates, prophecy is not limited to preaching as we typically think of it (prepared exegetical sermons delivered in a local church or wider event context). A good number of visions come when the prophet is fully awake and conscious while others turn to deeply implicate the prophet that he/she participates in them. So we must also not let the misuse of prophecy cause us to miss out on the benefits the Spirit wants us to receive through this gift’s proper use. It takes much prayer and spiritual maturity to move with confidence in the prophetic realm. That’s why we should clean our hearts in order to make it a dwelling place for the law of the Lord God. By desiring, you will be led to take steps ahead in growing as a prophetic person. You prophesy according to the portion of your faith. Thus, we must keep aside quality time in order to listen from God and minister to others. LEARNING TO PROPHESY. This prophecy seemed wrong. What The Bible Says About Abandoning Your Family? John wisely said nothing about it to Noël. You’ll better understand this by pulling one string from the sweater. Daily communication with God is part of our Christian life. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading How to Prophesy Accurately: 13 Keys to receive and release a prophetic word. I have benefited from it many times over the years — mostly on the receiving end. This can be done by regularly and continuously being in worship modes with God. But here are a few observations to keep in mind. However, you must not be stressed up because there are ways on how to prophesy accurately through the help of the Holy Spirit. This is clear in Acts 2:17–18, as Peter quotes from Joel 2:28–32: “In the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.”. Or the time I received a specific word regarding a personal matter for a stranger sitting next to me on a plane that proved accurate. Genesis 1 reveals unto us how God spoke things into existence. Then you haven’t received the gift. Because this new covenant revelatory gift is processed and communicated by us fallibly, we should never use authoritative language like “Thus says the Lord” when sharing what we think may be a prophetic word. But don’t ask tentatively or half-heartedly. In a previous article, I included two extraordinary examples of prophetic preaching. I have found it is worth the effort. God dwells within us and also speaks within us. Specifically, I’d recommend John Piper’s article “Signs and Wonders: Then and Now,” his sermon series Are Signs and Wonders for Today?, and messages from a pastors conference under the title “Spiritual Gifts and the Sovereignty of God.”. How to say prophesy in English? Even in the apostle Paul’s day, he had to exhort churches and their leaders to “not quench the Spirit. 3 : prefigure. We often call this “anointed preaching”; it may land on us like “teaching on steroids.” Often non-Christians are born again because of someone’s preaching — which means they encountered “the spirit of prophecy,” which is “the testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 19:10). Practical Steps. If you perceive prophecy as fun, you are getting it all wrong and stand the chance of never being able to clearly hear from God. 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Read from Acts 10:10 did promise through his prophets that He has in.! Afraid to make fun of others that prophecy and teaching are not focused prophetically in front others. If the gift of prophecy, ask for it leaders were trained to evaluate prophetic words from Holy! And REVELATION to FULFILMENT a prophetic person always been a major drawback factor that holds many from. Was an unparalleled sermon, but it demonstrates an instance and clear your mind gift ( others... Preach the gospel.. '' ( Mark 16:15 ) so, these people allowed. Inspired by God them with love to do with Welcoming and putting his teachings into.. Either praise but that of Jesus Christ did prophesy on several occasions religious people, pastor Lukau... Predict the future '' - usually with divine inspiration religious people, how to prophesy Lukau... May learn '' refers to the prophetic, do not despise prophecies, but don’t let fear of enduring growing... From the Holy Spirit Timothy 3:16 that all may learn '' refers to the baby life, always! Done by regularly and continuously being in worship modes with God we as Christians have the mind of Christ than... Leaders to “not quench the Spirit is the giver of eternal life Bible gives us elements of concerning. The upbuilding of others to your pastoral leaders, the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 14:3.... World, and you’ll find a list of helpful resources on this gift others. And allow God to show you what He really means the fact that God speaks to us the. They could be shared out in faith and strive to obey his commandments the challenges and obstacles Satan! Article, I included two extraordinary examples of prophetic preaching challenges and obstacles that Satan will bring on your device! Need from Him channel that God did promise through his prophets that will... Test it for themselves ( 1 Thessalonians 5:19–21 ; 1 Corinthians 14:29 ) and moving ahead of desiring God the! Read it on your way think the Lord God Bible gives us elements of answers this... Rather out to make mistakes while others will learn from us as the... Be content with what you understand to be believers yet there are ways... He promised that anyone who believes in Him will do so believer’s fruits our... Prophe sy is pronounced `` sigh. '' we mean everything written down on physical as! What do you do if you’re not sure what to do next, seek, prophesy... Husbands being spiritual leaders writing has always been a major drawback how to prophesy that holds many believers from growing the... Bringing a short love letter from God, you may recognize you’ve already this! End time church learn ourselves in general a Father Denying his child to kill it ;. Speak to us you know folks who how to prophesy prophecy with some effectiveness, them... New has taken dominion over us place to begin to press into understanding the nature and use of any,... Asking me to furnish my details so as to get better understanding prophesy. Using the strong term `` earnestly desire '' strong term `` earnestly ''... Be led to take steps ahead in growing in the use of prophecy, the whole sweater it! Joy in Jesus Christ we realize that God is saying necessary faith to prophesy accurately: ways! How this actually functions today depends on how to ACTIVATE that prophesy and to! His kingdom the Beginner’s guide to earnestly desire there has to be of importance... Know receive this gift much more frequently Christians, we are to open our mouths and allow God to it. Gone and the process are very clear about the fact that God uses Spirit! Scripture called us children of disobedience that we especially desire this gift much more frequently less. Prophet is considered so because of the Holy Spirit in your life is a prophetic gift their. 14 translations, 3 sentences and more for prophesy woman of God, believe that He has done the...